$111.00 USD

BONUS ADD-ON: Mirror Work Deep Dive (including Shanti's most recent class Mirror Medicine), AND Ihsan's Awaken Your Inner King ALL for $49 (OVER $600 OFF! We really want as many people as possible to have access to this.)

Lifetime access to Recordings.

Mirror Work Deep Dive is the perfect introduction to Mirror Work for ALL levels

Includes ALL of Shanti's previous shadow/mirror work courses. 15 hours of instruction. Value $444, offered at $49 as an add on to In Service to Union. These will become part of a larger offering and will not be offered at this price again.

Beginner Shadow Work

Beginner Mirror Work

Mirror Work Masterclass

Mirror Work Masterclass Part 2

ALSO INCLUDED Awaken Your Inner King by Ihsan.

This is a workshop for women to reclaim Inner Union with their Divine Masculine (includes a POWERFUL guided meditation to meet your Inner King).

INSTANT ACCESS, links to recordings automatically sent to email after purchase!

In Service to Union 11.11.22

This is the REPLAY COLLETION of In Service to Union. A ONE TIME ONLY Life Changing event that will NEVER AGAIN be available for purchase after Sunday 11/13 at 11:59pm! Lifetime access to recordings will only be available to those who purchase.


As a celebration of Divine Love, the Heiros Gamos which is returning to Earth, we have gathered 6 incredible individual teachers diving into the devotion and dedication of the inner path, or INNER UNION. And 5 couples diving into the dance of EXTERNAL UNION.


You don't want to miss this monumental event. This love is HERE for you. It is WAITING for you. And you do not have to walk this path alone.


Divine Union is the key

that unlocks Heaven on Earth. 

And this key is not found. It is crafted.

Are you ready for The Key?



LIFETIME ACCESS to the RECORDINGS (available day after event)

11 Different Classes on Inner Union & External Union



[due to the digital nature of this unique offering, there is a zero refunds policy including change of mind.  For questions, please email connect@thegreatmysteryschool.com]