Friday, 11/11/2022

11am Central Time LIVE

Hosted by Shanti & Ihsan


Join us

12 hour event Recorded on 11.11.22

 We gathered 11 master teachers and inspiring couples from around the world to assist you in CHOOSING the path of Divine Union and aligning to the greatest LOVE you have ever known.


Divine Union is not fated, it is CHOSEN!


11 Classes on Inner & External Union to move you to the LOVE that is seeking you.

Lifetime access to the Recordings.

This WILL NEVER be available for purchase after 11/13.

We are offering this at AN INCREDIBLE price of $111.


What people are saying:


“I’ve had goosebumps the whole time. ” - Francesco 

“What just happened! I have enough journal prompts to write and introspection to do for 6months! ” - B.E.
“Not only did I hear your words, I felt them as waves entering an ocean. You are such a gift to us all. Thank you for showing up and rippling out this truthful resonance. I receive. I receive.” - Jay J
“Wow I could listen to your transmission all day” - B. N.
“Thank you for this amazing event, the shifts in perspective have been mind and heart blowing ” - Dana
“That was so incredible - the part about the vortex of life that doesn’t know how to betray me was EVERYTHING.” - Jessamyn
“Holy moly need to take a walk and integrate.” - Brittany
“so controversial and powerful: "she is not able to receive if she is Fighting to rise" - Lunia
“just wanted to drop in and say that it's amazing to have a woman of your calibre being pro-masculinity, Christina… It can get pretty confusing …” - Richard
“I feel strongly that this transmission has powerfully changed my energy ” - Karen 
Whoa I haven’t been able to leave any of these conversations. Sooooo powerful. Me too. I’ve taken phone with me everywhere today listening. Bath tub too haha. Thank you!” - Kimothy
“i cried so much. deep deep resonance.” - Megalene
“It’s the dance breaks for me lol ” - Dana 
“I feel blessed to witness your openness and vulnerability. Thank you ” - Viktoria 
“This has been amazing! Beyond sad that I have to go to bed now. Seriously can’t wait to catch the rest of the transmissions on Sunday (? hehe). Thank you thank you thank you” - Friday 
“Cant believe ive been here ALL DAYY  so powerful” - Bouchra
“It has been inspiring convo after another! I feel so inspired and empowered! Thank u to all who shared their stories today! So good to witness these conscious couples.” - Bouchra
“This is the most amazing workshop I participated in a long while! So profound!” - Olesya

This is when I made a declaration to God.

That I would STOP SEEKING. That I would turn my eyes in.

That the man that was for me would WALK THROUGH MY FRONT DOOR.

That he would CLAIM me and our love, and that I would NEVER have to question if someone was “the one” because it would be so blatantly obvious there would be no denying it.

And that is EXACTLY what happened.

I can not WAIT to tell you all the greatest love story I have ever known on 11/11. The story of me and Ihsan. And EVERYTHING that happened to allow for our reuniting. 11/11 is our 1 year wedding anniversary and we have never told our story publicly before.

As a celebration of Divine Love, the Heiros Gamos, which is returning to Earth, we have gathered 6 incredible individual teachers diving into the devotion and dedication of the inner path, or Inner Union. And 5 couples diving into the dance of External Union.


You don't want to miss this monumental event.


Meet Your Guides.

Shanti & Ihsan

God's Promise. Fulfilling the Prophecy.

Shanti is a life long student and teacher of The Great Mystery. Her life’s work is in service to Union. To the Inner Union that the stars and mirror give us, and to the External Union found in Divine partnership and soul family connection. Thousands have taken her courses on shadow work, mirror work, and astrology soul mapping. She hosts in person experiences at her property in Costa Rica, and is a pioneer and leader of the New Earth movement. Opening pathways of remembrance and shifting the fabric of this realm and what is possible here.

Ihsan (pronounced Eyes In) is a teacher, guide and New Earth leader. He has devoted his life to reminding people of their essence while helping them create bridges from their soul to their experiences. A mystic, poet, medicine man and thought leader, Ihsan is a beacon of integrity and truth. 

Dr. Michelle Patrick

The Sacred Garment. An Exploration of the Body as a Sovereign Tool of Mastery.

Dr. Michelle Patrick is a clinically experienced Doctor of Chinese Medicine and Naturopathic nutrition, with an invested passion and interest in self mastery, internal alchemy  and five element theory. Michelle believes that the human body is capable of great self-healing when the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies are aligned and treated as a whole as opposed to symptomatically. Through her dedicated clinical practice and teachings, she awakens this capability through her patients and clients, by not only supporting them with treatment application, but providing them with a framework that supports an empowered role in their own radical realization and mastery.

Xavier Dagba

Illuminating the Shadow as a Path to Union.

Xavier is a trauma-informed transformational life coach and shadow work facilitator. He loves to think of himself as an emotional alchemist. His work and teachings are infused with the intent of transmitting the sacred wisdom of the heart. Xavier's transformational journey brought him to dive into the universe of shadow work and he tends to think that only when you are willing to illuminate and integrate your shadow, can you fully feel alive and embody your power. He feels alive the most when he helps people shed their limitations, embrace their repressed power, and live from the heart, not their wounds.

Chelsie Jo Huntsman & Oren Harris

Making Love to God.

Chelsie & Oren are on a source, soul, and heart led mission to anchor the frequency of heaven on earth through their union. 

Together, they are devoted to awakening and inspiring people to experience a life of love, joy, wealth, ecstatic pleasure, freedom, and limitlessness.


Sadie Jane & Jeff Sabin

How We Saved our Marriage, and Chose the Path of Union. A Story of Redemption.

Sadie is a Labor and delivery nurse turned elemental life coach and helps thousands of women each year remember their magic and turn their pain into their purpose. From her wellness app to her life changing retreats and coaching courses, Sadie is consistently serving her community with powerful ways to better their body, mind, soul, and womb.

Jeff is a farm boy and cowboy deep within his soul. He loves to work and work hard. He loves getting his hands dirty and embodying his masculinity. Jeff is a student and teacher of mindfulness and meditation practices. He has learned how to reshape and redefine himself through the alchemy of pain. And is passionate about helping others change their lives through the tools they have within.

Adria Ocean & Ramses Amun

When the Divine in Me Recognized the Divine in You.

Adria Ocean is a Goddess Embodiment Mentor, and Sister to all. She moved to Costa Rica’s Rich Coast on February 11 2020 with only a carry on. Since then she has been on a hero’s journey of self love discovery and mastery, creating balance within the masculine and feminine aspects to embody Divinity. She is a an alchemist of the shadow utilizing inner child connection, the power of the I Am Presence, and the rewriting of new stories.

Ramses Amun is a mentor, student and teacher of various Self-Mastery practices. He teaches Kemetic and Smai-Tawi (Egyptian) methods of yoga movements, philosophy, meditation and breath work. Ramses guides people to discover the tools that will help individuals dive into their deeper selves, uncover hidden truths within and unlock the unconditional divine love of Self that we ALL deserve.

Zella Sage

The Unleashed Soul. A Wild Reckoning of Self Remembrance.

Zella is a Medicine Woman and Mystic who channels secrets from God and delivers potent Soul Serum to the planet, with an intention to elevate collective consciousness and restore the heart of humanity. As a guide in Spirit realm, she ushers you back to your true nature and helps you find sacred treasure buried in the shadows of your subconscious. 

Christina Louise

Return of the King. He Rises, She descends.

Christina Louise is a devotional Feminine Arts and polarity-focused Union mentor who supports women in restoring their relationship to their Feminine core on all levels. This includes healing their relationship to the Masculine, reclaiming their birthright of embodied surrender, unlocking their feminine magnetism, releasing old somatic/spiritual & energetic trauma, opening their wombs, & awakening their life and love force via heart & pelvic floor & more. She serves as both a feminine embodiment practitioner and an intimacy, love and polarity mentor.

Mich & Andrew Genovese

Twin Flame or Trauma Bond? Navigating the Divine Shadow.

Mich is a medicine woman & womb witch on a mission to unite the sisterhood, & empower women to rise in their sacred divinity to love themselves & their Yonis unapologetically. She is a steward of sacred medicines for all souls ready to embark on that path.

Andrew is a Breathwork master, sacred space holder, Plant Medicine guide, and a bridge between many realms as a New Earth Leader.


Katya Nova

Choosing Divorce & Self Marriage as Rites of Passage to Divine Union (And Why I Deleted All of My Dating Apps).

Katya is the founder of Matriarch Collective. When she’s not traveling the world, you can find Katya in her tiny mountain town in Costa Rica, co-parenting her 4 beautiful children, building a boutique hotel called Fae, and co-creating a vision of modern matriarchy. 


Fernanda Parra

Myth of The Happily Ever After & Inner Vows Ritual

Fernanda is a Taurean mama of 3, a herstory reweaver & a red tent ceremonialist.  ā€ØShe is a keeper & teacher of ancestral wisdom, what she calls “herstory codes,” and is a sought-after designer of rituals and rites of passage for women.ā€ØOriginally from Guanajuato, Mexico, she guides women into their power by helping them access the realm of soul, archetypes, dreams, myth, and personal story reweaving. She is devoted to inner union, and is in service to the god & goddess within.

Silvia Ancestral

Opening and Closing Cermonies 

Silvia is a Chamana, Medicine Woman, and Priestess of the Womb from the Lineage of The Rose and María Magdalena. She is a Guardian of the Mysteries of the Holy Feminine. An Akashic Astrologist. And a specialist in Shadow Work.

Born and raised in Costa Rica Silvia is a Mystic with more than 20 years of experience in the service of those who feel the call to find their highest Truth.



Divine Union is the key that unlocks Heaven on Earth.




Something incredible is happening on Earth right now.


We have felt the Feminine REMEMBERING, leading the way into Awakening. And this year we felt the Masculine begin to truly RISE UP and meet her.

More and more External Unions are being birthed.

Both through the uniting of new relationships, as well as paradigm shifts in established relationships.

And ALL of these Divine Union partnerships have something in common. Each individual is on a devotional path of INNER UNION.

INNER UNION opens up the pathways that allow for EXTERNAL UNION. 

INNER UNION is the dance between,

The Higher-self & The Shadow

The Masculine & The Feminine energetics within us all

The Spirit & The Body

Heaven & Earth

Divine EXTERNAL UNION is this same dance but played out with another soul in the container of a relationship. 



We have many tools to assist us in walking this path.

Shadow work, mastery of the polarities (feminine and masculine energetics within each of us), an understanding of inner alchemy and the elements externally and internally.

As well as countless embodiment practices that allow us to expand our consciousness while descending further into form.

Even the Stars and our Human Blueprint and Design are all encoded to assist us in mastering the path of Union.


Event Flow


We went from 11am until 11pm at night. Took lots of dance breaks, and were led and moved in embodiment practices throughout by the incredible teachers who joined us.



11am - Opening Ceremony with Silvia Ancestral

11:30am - Shanti & Ihsan - Our Story. God's Promise and a Prophecy Fulfilled. 

12:30pm - Mich & Andrew Genovese - Twin Flame or Trauma Bond? Navigating the Divine Shadow

1:30pm - Dr. Michelle Patrick - The Sacred Garment. An Exploration of the Body as a Sovereign Tool of Mastery. 

2:30pm - Xavier Dagba - Illuminating the Shadow as a Pathway to Union. 

3:30pm - Christina Louise - Return of the King. He Rises, She Descends

4:30pm - Chelsie & Oren - Making Love to God

5:30pm - Zella Sage - The Unleashed Soul. A Wild Reckoning of Self Remembrance.

6:30pm - Sadie Jane & Jeff Sabin - How We Saved our Marriage and Chose the Path of Union. A Redemption Story. 

7:30pm - Adria Ocean & Ramses Amun - When the Divine in Me Recognized the Divine in You

8:30pm - Katya Nova - Choosing Divorce & Self-Marriage as Rites of Passage. And Why I Deleted My Dating Apps.

9:30pm - Fernanda ParraMyth of The Happily Ever After & Inner Vows Ritual

10:30pm - Closing Ceremony with Silvia Ancestral


Our prayer is that by the end of this, you know that this love not only EXISTS but that it is accessible to you RIGHT NOW, and in fact it’s already here.


There is nothing more painful than feeling like you are walking this path alone. BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE. Through the TRUE INNER UNION we CAN magnetize (or transform our current relationship into) the Hieros Gamos, The Greatest Love Story the World has ever known.


This event is dedicated to the students of Harmony, and the messengers of Love.